Tuesday, January 27, 2009

The glimmer at the end of the tunnel

To paraphrase Newton's law of inertia, a blogger persists in a state of rest unless acted upon by an external force (of will power). I have been rather negligent in passing along to the few who read or happen to come across this blog the latest in MJD research.

Here are some very encouraging news from the scientific front-lines, thanks to the MJD Family Board for sharing the information:

RNAi has potential for use in MJD treatment and constitute the first proof-of-principle for allele-specific silencing in the central nervous system

More about the aforementioned research

CATENA® : a new drug approved for the symptomatic management of patients with Friedreich’s Ataxia which may be beneficial in treating MJD

and lastly

Geron Receives FDA Clearance To Begin World's First Human Clinical Trial Of Embryonic Stem Cell-Based Therapy

On the home front, Richard's hard work at his twice weekly PT is paying off. Today, he was able to go from a sitting position to standing upright unassisted three consecutive times without fumbling or tottering. His movements when using the walker are steadier and more fluid. Small steps but important steps which is all that we are asking for.

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